
Industrial maintenance training lab offers solution for both employers & employees

Posted on Jul 07, 2020 at 15:31 PM

Ogeechee Tech teams up with industry leaders to fill a growing need

By Sam Bauman | June 30, 2020 at 3:33 PM EDT - Updated June 30 at 6:28 PM

BULLOCH COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - Like many campuses right now you won’t see too many students walking around Ogeechee Tech.

But the work continues over in their Industrial Maintenance Training Lab, just in a slightly different way

“Even during our times right now being that we utilize online curriculum and the online curriculum has virtual trainers built-in,” said Ogeechee Tech Industrial Maintenance Instructor Justin Goodman.

Putting it simply, industrial maintenance deals with the repair and upkeep of equipment and machines used in an industrial setting. A position that has a growing demand.

“Manufacturers right now are seeing people in their plants, that are familiar with all of this machinery that keep these industries running, they’re retiring,” says Ogeechee Tech Vice President for Economic Development Jan Moore.

To fill that local manufacturers have teamed up with Ogeechee Tech to help train current employees to take those positions.

Training they believe they're best suited to offer not only because of their technology but also their instructor.

“I think we’re the only industrial college in the state of Georgia that has a full-time industrial maintenance instructor that is not working on the credit side the academic side of the house,” said Moore.

Which benefits them because.

“That allows us the flexibility to give the training that our industry partners need to have and allows us to set up a schedule to do that in a timely fashion,” Moore adds.

8 to 12 weeks to be exact.

Which is good news for employers who need those holes filled quickly.

But also for the employees.

“When people come, and employees come through this training they immediately take on a new skills set that allows them to make substantially more money than they were before,” said Moore.

Moore also said during the pandemic they were able to help train a handful of recently furloughed employees who have since been rehired by their company making more money in essential roles.

For more information on programs at Ogeechee Tech head over to their website by clicking here.

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