Student Achievement

Ogeechee Technical College (OTC) identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. Ogeechee Tech uses multiple measures to document student success.

The mission of the College is to provide a skilled workforce. As one of 22 colleges in the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), OTC provides student-focused academic and occupational programs and support services for in-demand career fields at the associate degree, diploma, and certificate levels. In alignment with the mission, faculty and staff continuously ensure that the College’s resources and efforts are always geared toward ensuring student achievement and success appropriate to the students we serve and the kinds of programs we offer.

The following five (5) criteria (key performance indicators) are appropriate to document student success and evaluate student achievement. The table below summarizes each criterion, the threshold of acceptability, the goal for each criterion, and the justification for why the criteria were selected. As evidenced below, the institution uses multiple measures to document student success.


Threshold of Acceptability


Appropriateness & Justification

Retention Rate

Source: TCSG KMS MES0199 College Scorecard: All Metrics

The threshold of acceptability is the TCSG system average for the overall retention rate (all 22 TCSG colleges).

The goal is a 2% increase over the previous year.

This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s Strategic Objective 3A to recruit, enroll, retain, and graduate students and Strategic Objective 3C to facilitate the transition of graduates from college to career. The criterion also correlates to college scorecard metrics established in AY 2019 by the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia.

IPEDS Overall Graduation Rate (150% Standard Time) (SACSCOC Key Completion Indicator)

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Graduation Rates survey component

The threshold of acceptability is the average IPEDS traditional overall graduation rate of TCSG peer institutions according to the IPEDS Data Feedback Report.

The goal is the 4-year average Student Right-to-Know Completion/Graduation Rate Calculation (four previous cohort years).

This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s Strategic Objective 3A to recruit, enroll, retain, and graduate students and Strategic Objective 3C to facilitate the transition of graduates from college to career. Also in 2018, OTC identified the IPEDS "traditional" Graduation Rate metric as its key student completion indicator for SACSCOC.

Overall Job Placement

Source: TCSG KMS MES0199 College Scorecard: All Metrics

The threshold of acceptability is the TCSG system average for job placement (all 22 TCSG colleges).

The goal is a moving average for the previous three years unless the calculated threshold is already 99.0% or higher. In those instances, the goal is the same as the threshold.

This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s mission to provide a skilled workforce, vision to meet regional workforce demands, and Strategic Goal 1 to provide academic programs to serve the career needs of individuals and communities. The criterion also correlates to college scorecard metrics established in AY 2019 by the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia.

In-Field Job Placement

Source: TCSG KMS MES0199 College Scorecard: All Metrics

The threshold of acceptability is the TCSG system average for in-field job placement (all 22 TCSG colleges).

The goal is a moving average for the previous three years.

This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s mission to provide a skilled workforce, vision to meet regional workforce demands, and Strategic Goal 1 to provide academic programs to serve the career needs of individuals and communities. The criterion also correlates to college scorecard metrics established in AY 2019 by the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia.

Licensure Pass Rates

Source: OTC Licensure Pass Rates Yearly Comparison

The threshold of acceptability is established by the applicable programs’ accrediting agency.

The goal is to meet or exceed the threshold established by the applicable programs’ accrediting agency.

This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s mission to provide a skilled workforce, vision to meet regional workforce demands, and Strategic Goal 1 to provide academic programs to serve the career needs of individuals and communities.


Criterion 1: Retention Rate
Retention rate data reflect a fall cohort that is tracked through the following academic year for retained or graduated students. Students in a cohort are retained if they enrolled in any post-secondary institution included in the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) during the following academic year or graduated from any such institution during the two-year period. The fall cohort includes first-time students (full-time or part-time) at that College during the fall or summer semester, excluding prior high school dual enrollment.

Retention Rate


Threshold of Acceptability
















Criterion 2: Graduation Rate
In 2018, Ogeechee Technical College identified the IPEDS “traditional” Graduation Rate metric (cohort includes all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students, 150% standard time) as its key student completion indicator to comply with SACSCOC. This metric is useful as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s Strategic Objective 3A to recruit, enroll, retain, and graduate students and Strategic Objective 3C to facilitate the transition of graduates from college to career.

The acceptable threshold for this metric was determined by reviewing the peer institutions as provided in the IPEDS Data Feedback Reports for survey years 2017-2019.  The characteristics of the peer institutions used to determine relevancy were awards offered, programs offered, campus setting, and enrollment.

Additionally, the 4-year average Student Right-to-Know Completion/Graduation Rate Calculation was determined to be a suitable goal as it represented the average graduation rate for the four previous cohort years.


Criteria 3: Overall Job Placement
Job placement is the core of Ogeechee Tech’s mission. The placement rate tracks a cohort of graduates through September 15 of the following year. This criterion was selected as it is in alignment with Ogeechee Tech’s mission to provide a skilled workforce, vision to meet regional workforce demands, and Strategic Goal 1 to provide academic programs to serve the career needs of individuals and communities.

Overall Job Placement


Threshold of Acceptability
















Criteria 4: In-Field Job Placement
A subset of overall job placement is the in-field job placement rate. The in-field placement rate tracks a cohort of graduates through September 15 of the following year to show the percentage who are employed in a field related to their award program.

In-Field Job Placement


Threshold of Acceptability
















Criteria 5: Licensure Pass Rates
State licensing exams and agency certifications are essential to ensuring the quality of student learning and demonstrating student achievement of applicable programs. OTC evaluates licensure/certification pass rates annually in comparison to the thresholds established by the program’s accrediting agency.

Accredited Program


Licensure Exam Pass Rate

Dental Assisting



Diagnostic Medical Sonography*^ (ABD/OB)

60% overall pass rate within one year of graduation


Echocardiography*^ (Adult)

60% overall pass rate within one year of graduation


Funeral Service Education*^ (Arts)

60% three (3) year average pass rate for first-time takers of the Arts and Sciences sections


Funeral Service Education*^ (Science)

60% three (3) year average pass rate for first-time takers of the Arts and Sciences sections


Health Information Management Technology



Medical Assisting (NCCT)^

60% national credentialing passage rate


Paramedicine Technology Paramedic*^



Radiologic Technology*†

75% five-year average credentialing examination pass rate (at first attempt within six months of graduation)

2023 - 100%

2018-2022 – 92.8%

Veterinary Technology*†

50% three-year rolling average for first time test takers

2023 - 100%

2020-2023 – 79%

   *Licensure required for employment in occupation.
   ^ Reports on calendar year.
   † Results based on first attempt of credentialing exam.