We're Available!
Posted on Mar 18, 2020 at 22:11 PM
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Admissions: 912.324.3292
Assessment Center: 912.348.8106
Career Services: 912.452.2796
Competitive Admission Advisement: 912.348.5310
Counseling: 912.380.3422
Disabilities & Special Populations: 912.662.0602
Dual Enrollment: 912.244.7488
Financial Aid: 912.574.2445
Student Navigator: 912.574.2544
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Academic Affairs: info@ogeecheetech.edu
Admissions: enrollmentservices@ogeecheetech.edu
Adult Education: ged@ogeecheetech.edu
Business Office: cashier@ogeecheetech.edu
Dual Enrollment: dualenrollment@ogeecheetech.edu
Financial Aid: fa@ogeecheetech.edu
Foundation: foundation@ogeecheetech.edu
Library: library@ogeecheetech.edu
Registrar: otcregistrar@ogeecheetech.edu
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The Transition Hub provides vital information for our students
during the transition to online courses and other processes
that have been affected by the COVID-19 situation.
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