Transition Hub
Posted on Mar 19, 2020 at 15:51 PM
Click Here for: COVID-19 Updates • Transitions Hub • COVID-19 Reporting Data
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The purpose of this page is to provide assistance to our students during the transition to online courses and other processes that have been affected by the COVID-19.
Click the sections below to view detailed information regarding these areas.
{slide=Banner Web - Student Information System|closed}
Ogeechee Technical College uses Banner Web as the student information system. This is your portal to check your schedule, register for classes, view your grades, locate your student e-mail account information, request an academic transcript, verify financial aid, authorize direct deposit of awards, apply for graduation, and much, much more.
- Select Enter OTC Banner Web from menu
- User ID: first part of student email address
- Example: login for will be istudent.
- If you do not know your student email address, you can find it using the Look Up OTC Credentials Form.
- Password: Your default password is your Upper Case first name initial, lower case last name initial and your date of birth combined (example: Ima Student born April 13, 1974, would use the following password: Is041374)
- User ID: first part of student email address
{/slide} {slide=Student Email - Microsoft Office 365|closed}
Ogeechee Technical College uses Microsoft Office 365 email accounts to communicate securely with students. Your student email account is the primary method of communication for your instructors. Additionally, routinely checking your student email will keep you informed on financial aid and/or admission requests, and student activities.
- User ID: Enter your entire student email address
- If you do not know your student email address, you can find it using the Look Up OTC Credentials Form.
- Password: Your default password is your upper case first name initial, lower case last name initial and your date of birth combined (example: Ima Student born April 13, 1974, would use the following password: Is041374).
{/slide} {slide=Blackboard - Access to Online Classes|closed}
Blackboard is Ogeechee Technical College’s online portal for all online coursework. You can access your online assignments, discussion boards, quizzes, and turn in your assignments.
- User ID: first part of student email address
- Example: login for will be istudent
- If you do not know your student email address, you can find it using the Look Up OTC Credentials Form.
- Password: Your default password is your upper case first name initial, lower case last name initial and your date of birth combined (example: Ima Student born April 13, 1974, would use the following password: Is041374).
- For more information on how to navigate Blackboard, visit the tutorials page. If you have questions about your specific class, please email your instructor.
{/slide} {slide=Trouble Accessing a Student Account|closed}
If you are having trouble accessing our Banner Web, Student Email, and/or Blackboard accounts you may submit an Account Assistance Form.{/slide}
Choose From These Topics: |
Academic Continuity
{slide=How will my classes be impacted?|closed}
Please monitor your email and for the most current information on the status of classes.
Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 Semester Students
Fall 2021 classes begin August 23, 2021.
Spring 2022 classes begin January 10, 2022.
Check with your instructors for schedule details for your classes.
{/slide}{slide=How will final exams for the Fall 2021 semester be administered?|closed}
Students should contact their instructors in regards to final exams.
{/slide}{slide=Will students still graduate and receive their awards?|closed}
Yes, any student who completes requirements for his/her award at the end of a semester will graduate and receive his/her diploma.
Applications for Graduation should be submitted by midterm of the semester for which you are completing program requirements. Students who are finishing incompletes or have transient/transfer work pending should still submit the application for graduation by the appropriate deadline.
Academic Support
{slide=What if I don’t have the technological support or equipment at home to participate in alternative modes of learning?|closed}
If you need additional support or equipment at home to participate in alternative modes of learning please fill out the Emergency Assistance Application.
{/slide}{slide=What library resources are available for students?|closed}
Please visit for available services. You may also contact the library directly via email at
- The current GALILEO password is swell. The password will change to happy on January 8, 2022.
- LibGuides are available for each program area to help assist you in your research.
- APA Writing Style Video
- How do I access electronic books?
- How do I access the library catalog?
- How do I find resources for my program?
{/slide}{slide=How do I return a library book?|closed}
The library is now open. You can return any borrowed books here. If you have any questions, you may email
{/slide}{slide=Is tutoring available?|closed}
Yes, we have tutoring available for students 24/7 using Smarthinking Online Tutoring. All students can access this FREE resource by logging into their Blackboard account and navigating to the Smarthinking Online Tutoring link under the tools menu on the left side of the screen.{/slide}
{slide=If I'm new to online learning is there someone who can help me?|closed}
The Student Navigator is available by text (912.574.2544) and appointment to help students improve their learning experience, navigate the online environment, and develop study habits.{/slide}
{slide=What is a “Z” grade and am I eligible?|closed}
In March 2020, the Governor instructed colleges in Georgia to limit instruction to a fully online format in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Ogeechee Technical College recognizes that this change may have impeded students’ ability to complete course requirements. For that reason, Ogeechee Tech has established a new grade category to provide a no-penalty withdrawal for students who were not able to successfully complete course requirements as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The grade of “Z” represents withdrawal from a course before completion and does not have numerical equivalents and will not be calculated in a student’s grade point average. The “Z” grade is effective for terms until term after the federal government calls an end to the national emergency.
A “Z” grade will be issued for students who withdraw and can provide a written attestation or documentation showing an interruption due to a COVID-19 related circumstance.
In addition to the “Z” grade not being included in the grade point average calculation, federal guidelines have stated that students who withdraw or stop attending classes can have certain regulations waived for those classes. The “Z” grade will not be counted in students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation. If the course is funded under HOPE, the grade will count against the lifetime paid hour limit but will not count against the HOPE GPA.
Admissions & Financial Aid (Work-Study)
{slide=What about my on-campus work that I rely on to pay my expenses (work-study)?|closed}
If your work-study position has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic please email
{/slide}{slide=Is placement testing (Accuplacer) available?|closed}
At this time, our Assessment Center is open for testing. In addition, we have made the Accuplacer available remotely using a third-party service to proctor the exam. Contact the Assessment Center for more information.
{/slide}{slide=Will information sessions and tours continue?|closed}
Yes, visit our Campus Tour page to schedule a session now!
{/slide}{slide=Will acceptance letters still be sent on time?|closed}
Yes. Acceptance letters will be generated as scheduled and sent to a student’s email address.{/slide}
{slide=Where can I get information regarding Competitive Admissions programs?|closed}
Information regarding Competitive admissions can be found here.
Adult Education
{slide=Are Adult Education classes being held?|closed}
OTC's Adult education classes are available on campus and online. Click here to pre-register. Instructors are available to assist students with online learning, and the Adult Education office is open to receive phone calls and to help as needed.
More information regarding Adult Education can be found here. {/slide}
Business Office
{slide=Where can we make tuition, fees, or graduation payments?|closed}
Payments for tuition, fees, or graduation can be made online by check or debit/credit card through your Banner Web account by selecting the Pay by check or credit card option under the Business Office menu. You will need your Banner Web PIN to log in and make payment through this account. Payments can also be made in person at our Business Office. Contact the Business Office with student account questions by emailing {/slide}
Campus Status
{slide=Are buildings open?|closed}
Yes. Ogeechee Technical College has implemented enhanced health and safety measures for visitors, students, and employees. Please follow all posted instructions while on campus.
Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering these premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.
Buildings/Offices Open to the Public
Please visit our Hours of Operation page for the latest campus hours.
{slide=What additional COVID-19 guidelines and procedures are in place at OTC?|closed}
Wearing Proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): Unless you are fully vaccinated, face coverings are strongly encouraged when social distancing cannot be achieved.
Social Distancing: Please observe the CDC recommended guideline (6ft) of social distancing when possible.
Sanitation: Ogeechee Technical College has increased sanitation in classrooms, labs, offices, and common spaces. Sanitizer is provided at building entrances/exits and sanitizing wipes are provided to students for all classroom spaces.
Plexiglass barriers: Ogeechee Technical College has installed additional protective barriers in high traffic areas like the bookstore and service desks.{/slide}
{slide= What is the status of commencement? How do I order my cap and gown?|closed}
Please visit for all graduation related information.{/slide}
Health & COVID-19
{slide=What Do We Know About COVID-19?|closed}
You can read the latest about COVID-19 here.
{/slide}{slide=What should students, faculty, and staff do to minimize the risk of transmitting the disease on campus?|closed}
The College strongly recommends following CDC prevention guidelines, including:
- Wear a mask when unable to social distance
- Wash your hands often with soap and water
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw tissue in the trash
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Consider Vaccination
{/slide}{slide=If other members of the Ogeechee Tech community test positive for COVID-19 after the campus is closed, will students, faculty, and staff be notified? |closed}
In the event of a positive test, the health department will follow up with anyone identified as a close contact of the infected individual.{/slide}
{slide=What to do if I think I may have COVID-19?|closed}
If you have recently traveled to areas where there are ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 and you develop fever with cough and shortness of breath within 14 days of your travel, or if you have been in contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID-19, stay home and call your primary care provider or local health department right away. Be sure to call before going to a doctor’s office, emergency room or urgent care center and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
Guidance regarding FULLY VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS (The definition of FULLY VACCINATED is that it has been at least two weeks since your last dose of the vaccine.)
Individuals who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are NOT required to quarantine if you follow the recommendations below:
- Seek testing (PCR or antigen) 3-5 days after exposure and wear a mask indoors until a negative result is returned or
- Wear a mask indoors for 14 days after exposure
- Fully vaccinated individuals should follow quarantine guidance in the section below (UNVACCINATED INDIVIDUALS) IF they choose not to test or wear a mask indoors after exposure.
Individuals may test out of quarantine any day after 7 full days have passed since the most recent exposure occurred if all THREE of the following criteria are fulfilled:
- Do not experience any symptoms during your monitoring period. It is preferred that the specimen for your test is collected no more than 48 hours before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation, however, it should not be collected before day 5 of your quarantine period AND receive a negative test.
- You may not discontinue quarantine until you have completed a minimum of 7 full days since your most recent exposure, even if you receive your negative test result earlier. If your result is positive, you must follow DPH isolation guidance
- If you are unable to be tested for COVID-19 during your quarantine period, you may discontinue quarantine any day after day 10 if you do not experience any symptoms during your monitoring period.
- If you discontinue quarantine prior to 14 days, you should continue to monitor your health and follow mitigation strategies until 14 days after your most recent exposure and isolate immediately if symptoms develop. Mitigation strategies that should be practiced include correct and consistent mask use, social distancing, hand and cough hygiene, environmental cleaning, and disinfection, avoiding crowds, and ensuring adequate indoor ventilation.
If you test positive for COVID-19
COVID-19 positive individuals will need to isolate for 10 days post positive test AND must be symptomatically improved, AND afebrile for 24 hours before returning to campus. Please include in your reporting the last day on campus and anyone who would have been considered a close contact. A close contact is anyone you were in contact with for greater than 15 minutes and closer than 6 feet.
If you have tested positive for Covid-19 please do not come to campus. Students, please send an email to Felicia Barefoot (email below). Faculty and Staff, please send an e-mail to your direct supervisor and copy Felicia Barefoot and Stephen Miller (emails below).
Felicia Barefoot -
Steve Miller -
If you are an OTC student, staff, or faculty member and have questions or concerns and think you could have COVID-19, please contact our Exposure Control Coordinator, Felicia Barefoot, for guidance at 912.688.6011.{/slide}
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)
{slide=How much will I receive from the HEERF if I am eligible?|closed}
Please visit Federal Reporting Requirements for HEERF Funds for information on eligibility.
{/slide}{slide= What Emergency Assistance is available to eligible students?|closed}
Funds not initially distributed through the HEERF financial grant will be available for eligible students based on an Emergency Assistance Application, documentation, and available funds. Emergency assistance funds are not guaranteed. Any student enrolled may apply.
{slide=How to apply for Emergency Assistance?|closed}
Steps to apply for Emergency Assistance (Note: Emergency Assistance can be a need for monetary assistance, technology item, or textbook/course item)
- Students can apply for Emergency Assistance by completing the Emergency Assistance/Lending Library application. Be as detailed as possible.
- The application will be reviewed by the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs.
- Within 1-2 business days, the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will email the applicant with a decision on the Emergency Assistance application or a request for additional information.
- If approved, the monetary assistance, technology item, or textbook/course item will be provided to the applicant as soon as possible. {/slide}
{slide=How will I receive my HEERF financial aid grant?|closed}
The financial aid grant will be applied to a student’s account and issued as a refund via direct deposit or check. For more information about refund distribution options, click here. If you would prefer the grant be directly applied to your student account balance, please complete this authorization form.{/slide}
{slide=When will I receive my HEERF financial aid grant?|closed}
Once a student is verified as an eligible recipient, the financial aid grant will be applied to a student’s account and refunds will be processed every week. Checks will be mailed to the address on file in a student’s Banner Web account. Direct deposits will be submitted to a student’s bank on file and may take a few days to appear based on a bank’s processing procedures.
Information on how to update your address can be found HERE.
Click here for more information about refund distribution options. {/slide}
{slide=Who do I contact if I have questions about my HEERF distribution or eligibility? |closed}
If you have questions about your HEERF distribution or eligibility, contact the Financial Aid Department via email at or call 912.681.5500. You can also chat live with an advisor at {/slide}
Federal Reporting Requirements for HEERF Funds
Student Support Services
{slide=This is a stressful time. What counseling and support resources are available?|closed}
Here are some tips for managing stress and anxiety brought on by COVID-19:
- Reduce exposure to media coverage of COVID-19.
- Recognize what you have control over and what you do not.
- Though we do not have control over the situation at hand, we do have control over the steps we take to protect ourselves and practice self-care.
- Take care of your physical well-being:
- Take deep breaths, stretch, and meditate.
- Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
- Exercise regularly.
- Go outside (even if you are avoiding crowds).
- Try to get plenty of sleep.
- Engage in activities you enjoy and that you normally do.
- Maintaining a sense of normalcy is important during times of crisis.
- Connect with your family, friends, and others to talk about your feelings.
- Practice positive thinking and remind yourself of your resiliency.
- Most people overestimate how they will be impacted by negative events and underestimate their ability to cope with stress effectively.
- Remind yourself of healthy ways you have dealt with stress before.
- Remind yourself that with time the situation will pass and so will your feelings.
- Accept feelings of anxiety, worry, and uncertainty.
- Describe the feeling in the moment to yourself or others.
- Acknowledge how you feel without judging the feeling.
- Facing anxiety in the moment will lead to less anxiety over time.
- Reach out to professional help if needed!
- Check-out our Counseling Department’s Resource Page for local mental health resources. {/slide}
{slide=If I am a student receiving accommodations for a documented disability, how will I continue to receive the accommodations online?|closed}
Instructors will extend time for timed tests and quizzes for students receiving this accommodation. If you have accommodations other than extended time, please contact Sabrina Burns at to find out how you can continue receiving those services.
Contact Us
{slide=BY TEXT MESSAGE|closed}
Admissions: 912.324.3292
Assessment Center: 912.348.8106
Career Services: 912.452.2796
Competitive Admission Advisement: 912.348.5310
Counseling: 912.380.3422
Disabilities & Special Populations: 912.662.0602
Dual Enrollment: 912.244.7488
Learning Support Advisement: 912.574.2544
{/slide} {slide=BY EMAIL|closed}
Academic Affairs:
Adult Education:
Business Office:
Dual Enrollment:
Financial Aid:
{slide=How can I purchase my spring 2021 textbooks?|closed}
Spring textbooks are fully updated on our website for students to view. You can purchase your textbook in person, online, or by phone. View this flyer for more information regarding textbook purchasing.{/slide}
Still have questions?
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