OTC Institutional Effectiveness Plan (2013)
1. Provide educational programs and courses that serve the intellectual and career needs of individuals and the needs of business and industry.
a. Expand and develop programs and offerings by identifying areas of unmet needs.
b. Achieve and maintain applicable program accreditation and pass rates on licensure/certification exams.
c. Expand learning opportunities through innovative instructional delivery methods.
2. Provide infrastructure and technology to support teaching, learning, and administrative functions.
a. Maintain a plan for faculty, staff, administration, and students to have secure and reliable access to the information technology network at all times.
b. Expand and maintain library services and resources to support teaching, learning, and resources.
c. Update/upgrade or replace program equipment to reflect market standards.
d. Provide campus-wide access to technologies that enhance student learning and meet administrative needs.
e. Implement planned expansion and renovation projects as defined by the Master Campus Plan.
f. Provide clean, adequate, safe buildings, and well maintained grounds.
3. Provide services and resources to promote student success.
a. Provide quality staff, services, programs, and facilities to recruit, retain, and graduate students.
b. Implement programs and services to improve enrollment, retention, completion, and placement rates.
c. Promote and facilitate successful transition to college by providing student-centered support services.
d. Address the needs of special populations by providing assistance to remove barriers to educational success.
e. Increase student involvement by expanding and promoting student activities.
4. Provide training programs and services to promote personal growth and economic development of business and industry.
a. Validate goals and objectives with the labor market and community needs.
b. Provide private (contract training) and public (continuing education/certificates) offerings to constituents.
c. Promote the Georgia Quick Start program and serve as the liaison with local business and industry.
d. Develop relationships with local business and industry to promote economic development opportunities.
e. Expand the delivery of adult education services in the workplace and in the local community.
f. Encourage faculty, staff, and student participation in community activities and organizations.
5. Maintain a research-based system of planning, assessment, and budgeting to achieve expected outcomes and demonstrate accountability.
a. Maintain a culture of assessment and accountability to ensure that decisions are data driven and to strengthen effectiveness and efficiency of all areas.
b. Design and implement web-based software to document outcome assessments, improvements, planning, and budgeting.
c. Ensure that College policies and procedures are in accord with the Technical College System of Georgia, COE, and other external agencies/organizations.
d. Demonstrate compliance with Performance Accountability requirements.
e. Conduct program needs assessments to determine new programs to be offered by the College.
f. Maintain College administrative support, educational support, community/public service, and program units on an ongoing basis.
6. Advance the College through developing partnerships and securing resources.
a. Develop fund-raising strategies to expand grant writing activities, and the base of major-gift, planned-gift, and annual-fund prospects.
b. Increase resource development for scholarship opportunities.
c. Continue to improve the College website to ensure that information is accurate and accessible to all constituencies, including prospective and current students and parents, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees, business and industry, and the public.
d. Seek state, regional, and national recognition of the office of institutional advancement.
e. Implement a strong marketing campaign to enhance the image, visibility, and distinction of the College.
f. Cultivate the college alumni association.
7. Develop and implement initiatives which demonstrate fiscal responsibility and cost-effectiveness.
a. Budget to make the best use of funds/resources available.
b. Employ comprehensive evaluation of fiscal management policies and practices and implement appropriate cost-containment measures.
c. Incorporate technological advances and expertise to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
d. Maintain an accounting system that yields unqualified opinions from audits.
8. Develop human resources to maximize effectiveness.
a. Maintain a faculty and staff who support student-centered learning, promote a nurturing psychological and physical learning environment, and engage in professional development.
b. Maintain a means for recognizing and rewarding achievement among faculty and staff.
c. Provide faculty and staff with ongoing professional development opportunities to acquire and maintain skills needed to deliver effective programs and services.
d. Strengthen communication among faculty, staff, and students.