Personal Information Changes
You can update your address/telephone information by completing the Request for change of Name, Address, or Phone Number form through etreive.
Note that for name changes, you will need to upload appropriate documentation to your eTreive form.
- Change of name due to Marriage requires a copy of your marriage certificate or current Social Security card and a government-issued photo ID reflecting your new name.
- Change of name due to Legal Change requires a copy of a court order or current Social Security card and a government-issued photo ID reflecting your new name.
- Change of name due to Divorce requires a copy of divorce decree or current Social Security card and a government-issued photo ID reflecting your new name.
- Change of name due to Adoption requires a copy of court order or current Social Security card and a government-issued photo ID reflecting your new name.
- Change of name due to Gender Change requires a copy of court order, copy of current Social Security card, and a government-issued photo ID reflecting your new name.
- Change of name due to Spelling Error normally requires only a government-issued photo ID containing the correct spelling. At times, your current Social Security card may be required.