Accessibility Services - Forms

Appropriate Documentation

All disabilities that affect learning and/or require a physical alteration will require documentation that verifies the disability, clarifies the areas of learning affected, and states the accommodations recommended as appropriate. One does not have to have all items listed but the documentation must be signed by an individual with the credentials to make the diagnosis.

Criteria for Learning Disabilities

  • Psychological Profile/Evaluation not more than 5 years old
  • Specific learning disability must be stated
  • Individually administered intelligence test
  • Oral language skills, social emotional status, specific academic deficits assessed
  • Achievement assessment-math, reading, written language skills
  • Assessed using appropriate age norms
  • Suggestions on possible accommodations for student

Criteria for ADD/ADHD

  • Documentation written on letter head and signed by an individual with the credentials to make the diagnosis
  • Self report of at least 3 major behaviors from DSM-IV
  • Observations from 2 professionals working independently, under direction and time constraints
  • Schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, autism or mental retardation not the primary disability
  • Suggestions on possible accommodations for student
  • List of medications and their implications on learning in a postsecondary institution

Head/Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Documentation written on letterhead and signed by the specialist detailing the impact of the limitations on ability to participate in post secondary program
  • Evidence that impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities
    Suggestions on possible accommodations for student
  • List of medications and their implications on learning in a postsecondary institution
    Visual, Hearing, Health, and Mobility Impairment
  • Documentation written on letterhead and signed by an individual with the credentials to make the diagnosis
  • Include the specific diagnosis and prognosis for visual/hearing/health/mobility impairment and attach any test results which measures limitations on learning
  • Report should include any medications or aids used by student, including effects these have on the limitations on learning
  • Suggestions on possible accommodations for student

Psychological Disorders

  • Documentation written on letterhead and signed by an individual with the credentials to make the diagnosis
  • DSM-IV diagnosis/date of diagnosis and prognosis
  • Major symptoms currently being manifested and date of last visit
  • Treatment plans
  • Report should include any medications or aids used by student, including effects these have on the limitations on learning
  • Suggestions on possible accommodations for student
    Rehabilitated Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
  • Documentation written on letterhead with a clear statement of successful completion of a supervised drug/alcohol rehabilitation program with DSM-IV diagnosis by a qualified professional
  • A statement of the current functional impact or limitations of the disability on learning
  • Medical information relating to the students’ needs including functional limitation and the impact of medication on the students’ ability to meet the demand of the postsecondary institution
  • Suggestions on possible accommodations for student

Assistive Technology

Much of the latest software and equipment is available for students with disabilities at Ogeechee Technical College.

Software and Equipment

  • Jaws Screen Reading Program - Reads out loud while displaying text.
  • Dragon Dictate - Translates speech into text on a computer.
  • Kurzweil OCR (Optical Character Recognition) - Books can be scanned and computer will read out loud to student.
  • Zoomtex — Print Enlarger.
  • Participant in the AMAC program offered through the University of Georgia which provides alternative media for those requiring these resources.

Contact Information

Sabrina Burns
Accessibility & Assessment Coordinator

One Joseph E. Kennedy Blvd. | Statesboro, Georgia 30458
Office 711, Joseph E. Kennedy Building | Phone: 912.486.7211