Employment and Leaver Codes
Status Codes (Codes to be used when coding out students)
Employment Codes:
01–Employed in Field of Study**
02–Employed in Related Field of Study**
03–Employed in Unrelated Field of Study*
04–Unemployed (The student is not working)*
05–Status Unknown (Cannot determine the status of the student)*
06–Continued Education (Student is continuing education here of somewhere else)
07–Military (The student is currently in the military or is in the process of joining)
08–Not Available for Employment (Student is not available for employment–do not use in place of 05)
09–Refused Employment (The student has chosen not to seek employment)*
10–Employed in Field and Continuing Education (student is both employed and continuing education)**
11–Employed in Related Field and Continuing Education**
12–Employed in Unrelated Field and Continuing Education
Highlighted: Codes that improve your placement stats or does not count against it.
Highlighted: Codes that increase placement status the most–the best codes for placement status.
* Hurts our end-of-year report stats–will need to follow-up with student later to see if a better code can be
** Updating a student to one of these codes requires an “Instructor Graduate Employment
Follow-up” form to be submitted
Reason Codes:
1–Academic Deficiency
8–Completed Personal Object
D–Dissatisfied with College
Note: Each student listed on the “EXIT Report” must be assigned two codes: an Employment Code and a Reason Code . If a student is working employment data should also be provided–consisting of at least: where working, job title, full address and phone number–and any additional information if available–of course students upgraded to codes 01, 02, 10 and 11 require the “Instructor Graduate Employment” form to be filled out.